When it rains it pours, eh? And I can't even resist the cliche, for all the accuracy it's had lately: it has been POURING. We were supposed to have a dragon boat practice today. Oh yeah, have I mentioned that yet? We're participating in a dragon boat race next week. And we haven't practiced yet. Today, it was raining off and on all day, and by the time practice came around, it had let up--but still, no one showed up. It was me, Rachel, and Fonda--since Fonda graciously volunteered to drive us--and Allen (who's doing his military service at Sanmin). Eventually, Vincent, the other Allen, and a friend of Vincent's showed up--but, given that it takes 20 people to crew a dragon boat, our practice still consisted of Rachel and Vincent's friend practicing with umbrellas in the air while taking shelter from the rain under the leaky cover of a row of trees.
We did at least get to watch others rowing, though! And we saw the dragon boats themselves. They're pretty cool. They look a bit like this:
...but not quite, since, you know, it was rainy today and we were on the Love River, not wherever that picture was taken. The empty part is right, though.
Anyway, here's hoping it all pulls together in time: theses, cards, dragon boats and all. Allons-y!
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