Friday, June 29, 2012

Top 10 Things I'll Miss About Taiwan

10. My students, my co-teachers, my colleagues, my friends...
          This one is obviously actually #1, but it's far too serious to put as my ending note. So, this is actually the thing I will miss the absolute most about Taiwan...but I don't have the heart to put it there. I love my students; I love my co-teachers; I love my colleagues; I love my friends here, and I don't want to think about the fact that I'm leaving then soon. *ahem* Movingon.

9. Standing out in every crowd 
          It gets annoying at times, but it's still kind of cool to be The Foreigner, worthy of stares and smiles and awe. And I'm not gonna lie, it's nice getting "你很漂亮啊" all the time from strangers. I won't quite know how to deal with blending in again...

8. The ability to pop up to Taipei or Taitung on a whim, or to fly to Thailand in just 6 hours or so
          I've mentioned this before, but I have absolutely LOVED the ability to travel that this year has given me, coupled with an absolutely fantastic array of  locations at my feet.

7. Living amongst the nicest people on the planet
          I genuinely believe this to be true. I have NEVER met more kindhearted people than the Taiwanese locals, especially Kaohsiung locals, are. It's partly Southern hospitality (the same the world over), but mostly just an ingrained wonderful friendliness all over the island of Taiwan. They are simply wonderful.

6. Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoon off work
          This was just a lovely quirk of my schedule all year: no class after noon three days a week. Never gonna get THAT again!

5. Playing the foreigner card
          Not being able to communicate definitely has its upside. This is it: the foreigner card. "I don't understand!" Annnnnd you can now do anything you want.

4. Drinking ALL THE TEA
          I didn't even drink tea before I came to Taiwan. But I will miss all the fabulous varieties of tea I've grown to love this year, and will no doubt try to replicate them on my own: grapefruit green tea, Oolong milk tea, Earl Grey milk tea (at least this one I can still get at home), yogurt green tea, mango green tea, the list goes on...and I will always remember being the sole one still ordering it iced when the temperature dropped to a "frigid" 60F or so.

3. Beautiful sunshiney days on my scooter
          When the sun is out, my scooter is perfect. Wind in my hair, zipping along, getting tanned (avoiding the slowpokes...); in essence, perfection.

2. Fresh fruit, everywhere, all the time
          Taiwan's fruit is the best thing ever. EVER. And it's cheap. I will forever miss being able to go down to the fruit stand on a whim and buy pineapples, mangoes, and watermelon and for less than 3USD. 

1. Driving like a maniac with no repercussions
          'Nuff said. Here's hoping I readjust before I get buried in tickets at home...

1 comment:

  1. I still pine daily for strawberry milk tea. Two years later.
