Monday, May 14, 2012

Thinking, not doing

Just another day. Nothing to report. So why bother reporting anything, you ask? Because I can't help myself. 291 posts. I've come this far, and I now have just a month and a half until my grant period is over; just a month and a half until my daily compulsory blogging finishes; just a month and a half until I will no longer be 百合, but just Bekah, once again.

At that point, I'll reevaluate my blogging policy. I can already tell you it will not involve daily posts with nothing to say; beyond that, who's to say. I have grown the greatest respect for bloggers who manage to be more entertaining more frequently than I am; I am always ashamed to post a post like this one, essentially all fluff and navel-gazing with no real content whatsoever.

But what can I do. Today was just another day.


  1. Hi
    Happened to see ur blog.
    I just have the opposite situation. I've been in Toronto for almost 1 year and had less than 1 month left to go back to Kaohsiung.
    Enjoy your remaining time in Kaohsiung. :D


  2. Hi! That's great! What are you doing in Canada?
