Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I always find these posts to be the hardest to write: I know no one will really read them, given the excitement just a few paragraphs down the page, so really, what's the point? Blogging has become a discipline for me, or posts like this wouldn't happen--and no one would miss them.

But, in the absence of anything so exciting as meeting an MLB superstar to talk about--the most exciting moment of my day came when I got to see a group of 6th graders at Hanmin rehearsing the RT script I wrote for them--I'll offer up my daily laugh. Much as I did last time I had a major event to follow, actually.

So, without further ado, I give you: the Trailer for Every Oscar-Winning Movie Ever.

If I had remembered to put my memory card back into my camera last night after uploading MLB pics, I would now insert videos from my day, which might have had some entertainment value to them, though admittedly much less than the one I just showed you: we learned body parts, and incorporated "Head and Shoulders, Knees & Toes," which got even 6th graders laughing as I out-sped them all on the singing and motions.

I would also have recorded the RT rehearsal of "The Emperor's New Clothes," which funnily enough had all the kids saying "cloth-ess" whenever the word "clothes" appeared--which, not surprisingly, was often. Other than that, though, the kids are fantastic!

I'm realizing I'm in a bit of a bind: both of my schools are doing RT; at Qing-Shan I helped provide story and edits, and am helping with rehearsals, and at Han-Min, I wrote the script and am (now) getting to help a bit with fine-tuning. What if these two schools go up against each other? Rachel's doing RT at one of her schools, too--what if we end up competing against each other?

Any of these scenarios would be cool, but odd at the same time, for the schools and for me.

So that's it for my obligatory post-of-the-day: hope it left you at least mildly entertained! And if you made it this far, congratulations--you proved me wrong.

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