Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Not an Epic Post

It's always hard to follow a blog post as epic as yesterdays. Because really, there's no way to follow a post describing attending a large, international gathering--especially when it is followed by a day as unremarkable as this one.

I went to school. I taught 5th grade with Maggie at Han-Min. I came home. I talked to Lindsey on Skype (by FAR the highlight of my day!). I read and returned some emails. I did some planning for my lessons in the upcoming weeks and months. I decorated my room some more (no more clanging mirror on my door, and I now have pictures above my bed!). I read. I ate delicious potstickers (regular, curry, and leek--mmm!) and discovered that they do not mix well with 7-11-purchased apple milk. I watched House. I did laundry. I Facebooked.

And now I'm blogging.

Really, though, the best part of my day was talking to my dear friend Lindsey. (Lindsey from Eugene, not Lindsey from Seattle, for those who know both.) It had been far too long since we'd talked, and we had a lot to talk about. And I was overjoyed to discover today what I should have realized long ago, which is that on the days when I finish teaching at noon, it's early evening back home: perfect time to chat, without either person having to get up at the crack of dawn or stay up till the early morning hours. And, with the upcoming "Fall back" part of Daylight Savings Time soon upon the US, it will be even earlier the evening before when I call at noon the next day, my time!

Also fun, (though largely irrelevant to my time in Taiwan, notwithstanding the niche market for cat cafes here, one of which I saw the other day in Taipei), Lindsey sent me these two videos. The first is supposed to be a legitimate submission to eHarmony; the second is a spin-off. I seem to have missed when these truly went viral, but for those who, like me, missed the main train of popularity, enjoy:

And, the proof that it went viral comes with this second video:

And she wonders why she's still single and signing up for eHarmony.

Hopefully tomorrow will be more eventful!

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