Friday, October 28, 2011

Controlled Chaos

Annnd Halloween marathon continues!

I arrived at Qingshan today to find the classroom already bustling, though technically the kids should still be in their previous class. I double-checked my watch several times before I went in: was I late?

Nope! Just class 6-1 getting ready for the main event of our lesson today: a student-run haunted house. This, predictably, devolved quickly into chaos. But fun chaos! I was stationed inside the darkened room, together with the designated scare-ers, who hid themselves around the room to scare the small groups of students who Patty let in the front door. Basically, my job consisted in tearing kids apart who mistook "scare" for "brutally attack," and keep them from walking on the desks, which they attempted more than once. I also patrolled the back door, shooing kids out at the end and trying to prevent some of the rowdier boys from trying to reenter from that side.

But they loved it! The scare-ers had a fabulous time, and from the terrified-but-thrilled shrieks uttered by their classmates, and the huge grins they wore as they left, I'd say the feeling was mutual. I also loved watching the getting ready process which happened during all the breaks:
On the left is the notorious Jack--kindly helping his classmate!

The girls were pro face painters
Also fun, and a nice break from Sleepy Hollow, was the Bugs Bunny video we watched, which is linked in my most recent post. Of course, getting kids from the blackboard to the video screen while offering them candy and making them say "trick or treat" was a trick in itself, but I'm too tired now to go into too much detail.

And tomorrow, the chaos continues!

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