Friday, September 16, 2011


Well that title is simultaneously the most blatantly obvious statement of all time and it managed to get the song by Rebecca Black stuck in my head. But it is, nonetheless, an apt description of how I feel right now--it's Friday!

And I'm spending my Friday night sitting on the couch in my apartment, watching movies and eating junk food. Because sometimes, you just need a day like that. (Or at least that's what we're telling ourselves.)

But fortunately, we're currently watching The Holiday--way out of season, I know--but I'm watching the scenes of the snow-covered southern English countryside and realizing afresh just how much I want to go there next on my travels. So maybe I'll use this time to gain inspiration to keep working on my application. :)

After school (which was pretty great, though the 5th graders were rather too noisy in their appreciation of the vocabulary matching game), I got home just in time to get a call from Rachel asking if I wanted to go to lunch with her and her LET, Karen. I'd met Karen at the orientation and loved chatting with her then; today was no different!

Karen took us to a lovely Japanese restaurant owned by her family (she introduced us to several, who were there--and were, if I remember her introductions correctly, were her 6th and 7th aunts? Big family!), and it was absolutely deLICious. Here are some photos of us and the wonderful spread:

...and keep in mind that this wasn't all of it.
Pictured behind the hand rolls: tempura shrimp. Possibly the best thing I ate all lunch...hard to tell, though. So yummy!
Other than that, nothing terribly exciting, provocative or insightful happened today. I worked on my application, watched TV, hung out with Karina, who came over for a few hours, and pretty much just rehearsed my role as a couch potato.

And that's it! Another reason my posts are getting shorter: my life is settling into a routine, and with routine comes a lack of new experiences to write about. SO, if you have things you want to know more about, just let me know!

For now, I'm going to enjoy my lazy Friday.

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