Thursday, March 15, 2012


Today was average--ie, for the purpose of blogging, it was boring. I taught. I came home. I went to the gym. I wasted time online, and reaffirmed my suspicion that even the Internet is getting boring from too much use.

The only things of note, as always, were points of human connection. Before classes, I was able to chat briefly with my mom and my older brother, Alex, and at greater length with my younger brother, Scott. It had been too long, and it was great to catch up on his life and tell him about mine. I've said it before, but I do love Skype!

Tonight was nice, too, as I got to chat with a couple of guy friends from Seattle, both of whom happened to be on way late--it was 3am there when we started talking; near 5am when we stopped--and so were on in time to chat with me at normal time, while none of my non-time-zone-restricted friends were on. I love the backwardness of how being far away sometimes actually facilitates conversations.

And that was it! Pretty average day; I won't waste any more of your time with it.

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