Thursday, March 29, 2012


I'm tired, so now I give you...

Highlights from today:

The 6th graders are learning clothes. For roll call, I told them to tell me one thing they were wearing. These were two responses, both from boys wearing T-shirts and jeans:

"I'm wearing a pink dress."
"I'm wearing a black bikini."

My question for them: oh, is that under your clothes, then? Ok...

Also: the problem of "F-U-C-K" and "shit." I don't know why, but this week I've been noticing kids saying these all the time. And yes, they spell the F word rather than saying it. I feel like if I react in a big way, it'll just encourage them--the reason they're saying these words, in English, is to get attention, after all. Usually I just frown at them and move on. Any hints on better solutions?

Annnd I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Peilin just said he was "that student" and said the "f" word to an English teacher from Australia when he was in 4th grade!
