Saturday, August 13, 2011

...and Repeat

I've been sitting here for a few hours now, intermittently reading, Facebook purging, and debating what to write about for my daily blog post. After much deliberation, I have settled on a theme: repetition.

Today we did more workshops, had more discussions (today with former ETA Dale and the legendary Dr. Wu), heard Dr. Vocke's elevator speeches for the millionth time (he admitted this himself, and asked us how many times we had heard it; Andrew figured it to be six.); and, throughout it all, several undeniably catchy songs played and replayed themselves for my subconscious.

So, for your pleasure, I've decided to reproduce them here.

1.) The Elephant Song: I posted it on here yesterday, but I think it bears repeating--and my subconscious, apparently, agrees.
2.) Friday, by Rebecca Black: It's inevitable. It's that day of the week. Why, oh why, oh WHY does this song title have to be so commonly used in everyday speech?!

3.) Taiwanese Garbage Truck Song: they say it's Fur Elise, but calling it that doesn't even begin to give an idea of what you hear everyday, several times a day around here as the trucks traverse the city. (No standing garbage around here.) Bring out your trash!

After training, we went out to a delicious Western-style multi-course meal with Dr. Vocke, Dr. Tsai (sp? He's the Director of Board of Education), and pretty much everyone from the Fulbright staff. The meal was great, and elaborate--sparkling rose water, duck soup, duck salad with raspberry vinaigrette, sorbet to cleanse the palate, steak, milk tea, brownies, custard, and fruit--and the restaurant overlooked the Love River, which was gorgeous. So that whole experience was quite amazing, and as a bonus, we got to chat with Joanne, one of the Fulbright staffers, on the way to and way from the restaurant.

Here's mah fancy dessert--the color's a bit off, thanks to my inability to edit pictures well, but I thought it might be better than a dark image, which is what I had before I began meddling:

We're going to visit the loner school district tomorrow, so not much sleeping in for us. Should be beautiful at least, though, and hopefully annoying-song free.


  1. So cool that you've blogged EVERY DAY!
    An idea for your next blog-could you identify all the names you've been throwing out, their role in the lives of the Fulbrighters...why they are legendary...that sort of stuff?
    Dr. Wu, Fonda, Bright Spring?, etc. It sounds like Fonda is around a lot. Former Eta Dale? Does he live in Taiwan now?

  2. Hahaha the list of Youtube videos that I hope to avoid!!
