Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Today was a national holiday, which means no school, which means, in essence, that I spent the majority of the day celebrating from the couch. (With, however, a lengthy and intensive hiatus at the gym which may leave me incapacitated for much of tomorrow and Thursday.)

So why the holiday, you ask? Well, it's a memorial to the 228 Incident, a horribly violent uprising by the Taiwanese people against the then-new KMT government which resulted in somewhere between 10 and 30,000 deaths. For years, apparently, you couldn't really talk about it, but now it's Peace Memorial Day (和平紀念日), with fitting reverence for those killed.

Well, I don't really know how to add onto that. It seems like quite a somber holiday to me, and I did not much of note to add to it, just sat and worked out. So, for further reading, please go ahead and read the Wikipedia entry I linked up above, and be educated!

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