Thursday, April 12, 2012


So, about that whole "real post" thing...yeah, that's not happening.

Why? Well, because mostly what happened today is I felt crummy. Woke up with some sort of virus--to be more specific, that something woke me up an hour before my alarm, bowepfiasdjfpokj--but was at least able to make it through the day, though I pretty closely resembled a pile of sludge for energy level.

I then came home, almost forgot about a Skype date with Lindsey, DIDN'T forget the Skype date with Lindsey, and then had the Skype date with Lindsey. Which was wonderful, of course.

I then fell into a semi-conscious state for several hours which ended with a phone call from Tiffiany asking if I was coming to Chinese class--which had started 20 minutes previous. Whoops. So apparently it's a memory-devouring virus? I don't know.

In any case, I've decided it'd be best to take a sick day tomorrow, which is somewhat of an odd coincidence given that Patty, who I would be teaching with, is also gone for the week, though for a decidedly more serious reason: the wind slammed a door into her face. Very painful, and I'm so glad she's taking some time to recover--she deserves a break! I hope she feels better soon!

By comparison, I should really not even be allowed to call myself "sick." Really, the English language should have another, less serious word for use. But it doesn't, and I'm certainly not feeling Shakespearean enough right now to come up with one for posterity. So, I feel "sick," but not nearly so bad as poor Patty.

Nonetheless, sleep can't hurt in making me feel better...

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