Monday, May 21, 2012

Hope you like rats!

This morning, I arrived at Hanmin to find some little treasures awaiting me in my desk. The first was a set of pictures the school photographer took of Alison and I for the yearbook which finally got printed; the second was even better. A big manila envelope containing dozens of postcards from Oregon.

I've mentioned before that Hanmin has a pen pal exchange going with the school my mom teaches at back home. What we've learned, however, is that, slow mail speeds aside, it takes a VERY long time to get dozens of individual students to write and turn in their letters. As a result of that, compounded with schedule irregularities and tests, it took us nearly 3 months this time to send the American kids the responses to their letters.

In the mean time, apparently, some of them got anxious (and/or were prompted by their teachers) and sent a bunch of post cards! So, though our latest responses should be in their hands soon (if they're not there already), we also have a good number of gorgeous pictures of Oregon addressed to about half of the Taiwanese pen pals. And, today, Ingrid and I amused ourselves by reading through them.

They were hilarious. My personal favorite was the one that focused on the student's new-purchased pet rats. To sign off, she wrote, "Hope you like rats!" Indeed--if her pen pal doesn't, she'll be awfully disappointed by her letter!

Ingrid's favorite also followed the animal theme: the student told his pen pal that his family had just bought some chickens--"not to eat, but as pets." He then proceeded to tell the chickens' names: Omelet, Scrambled, and Poached. But hey, at least it wasn't "Fried!"

Other joys were the homemade postcards. One was of a pink illustrated dragon (no, not one from pop culture, just a random drawing); another was an amazingly drawn picture of a deer leaping next to a stream, all surrounded with what looked like a gilt frame. Astounding creativity.

I spent several of my breaks today sorting the post cards out between the 5th and 6th grade students here. They'll be overjoyed to receive them, I know--so much so that maybe this time we'll manage a faster response time than 3 months. But how could we not, with such lovely messages as "Hope you like rats!"

1 comment:

  1. haha! Guess what? We received our letters from Hanmin yesterday as well!!
    The cards you commented on? Both children from my class. Yes, Eula loves her rats and Jill is thrilled with the chickens. Actually, two of my students recently acquired chickens!
    Loved the post!
