Sunday, May 27, 2012

Calla lilies

Fun fact: pull up a search for my name, 百合, on Google, and you get this. Literally translated, Baihe means White Lily. And what did I do today? Went to go look at white lilies.

Calla lilies, to be specific. On a recommendation by a friend of Chialing's, Karina, Analicia and I went up Yangmingshan to see the calla lily fields. The journey there was anything but easy, and may or may not have involved us missing our bus stop and having to walk a couple kilometers down a windy mountain road with no footpath, but eventually we got there. And it was gorgeous!
Our walking route...
The fields had dozens of resident dogs--all black, for some reason. This one was the cutest.

These are, of course, just a few of the many MANY pictures we took up on Yangmingshan. The fields reminded me somewhat of the tulip fields near Seattle: there's just something about row upon row of flowers that is irresistible for photo shoots. We had a lot of fun.

After the lily fields, Karina and I went to meet Tom for dinner--an embarrassing hour-and-a-half later than we said we would, thanks to our bus mishap--and then went back to the hotel to grab our stuff and head home. So our last Taipei trip went much like (one of) our first: a Yangmingshan trip with transportation issues. But this time, unlike our failed summit, we did at least get to see what we came for.

And with that, farewell, Taipei. It's been great.

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