Wednesday, January 11, 2012


It's not just for bears anymore. And, for that matter, it's not just for places with actual seasons anymore.

See, hibernation is really the only way to explain my current lethargy: it's winter! It's natural! No matter that it's in the 60s and 70s outside (Fahrenheit), no matter that S.A.D. positively CANNOT come into the conversation here, it's still winter, and my West Coast-bred body knows it simply must curl up with hot chocolate and a good book, then take a long nap, whether or not the weather confirms it.

In Seattle, I'd be sitting home with a blanket and something hot to drink and reading or watching TV, so here I sit home with a blanket and something hot to drink and read or watch TV. In Eugene I'd begin each day wrapped in several layers, so here I start the day in several (admittedly much thinner) layers. It's just the way it works, I guess: in a temperate climate, winter is our natural time to take things slowly; even here, where there's no need for that to be the case, I can't stop my natural urges.

And who'd want to, really? They're such lovely urges, though they are at odds with my semi-pronounced New Year's resolutions. Still, it's timed up quite nicely with our upcoming Chinese New Year break, and so long as I'm able to get my fill of hibernation when I'm actually able, maybe my body will realize that it's in a tropical climate now, and the weather has never been better.

And maybe then I'll leave hibernation to the bears.

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